This document was created by Audrey Woods Morrison. It's a compilation of Gitxsan Ha'wahls. Ha'wahl might be translated to taboo or bad luck or superstitious beliefs.
These flashcards include pictures and were designed to teach phonemes more so than to build vocabulary. You can download a printable PDF or a Word Document in case you want to make changes or edits.
Printable flashcards based on the word list provided by Gordon Jack. These flashcards are mostly focussed on verbs, nouns and phrases will be added eventually.
This resource was put together by Cindy Jensen-Fisk and Barbara Sennott. It shows the titles of family members from a woman's perspective. Most of these kinship terms are available in the Rigsby Dictionary.
A document like this could also be created from a male's perspective.
This set of Audio CD's was created by Gitxsan Wet'suwet'en Education Society (GWES). These CD's are focussed around vocabulary building, basic grammar, and common dialogue. Note - these CD's do not work with apple hardware, only windows. The file format still needs to be converted to be compatible with apple products.
If you're interested in purchasing these CD's please contact GWES at (250) 842-0216.
"Where Darkness Calls"
I really enjoy this short animated film. This video gives me the opportunity to listen to the Sim Algyax in longer periods of time without any interruption of English. Also, it raises awareness about suicide as well as the strength within our language, our culture, and ourselves.
The buttons above will allow you to download the videos as a file.
The links below will take you directly to the videos on YouTube.
Animal Names
This document is a spreadhsheet of all many animal names from all the Sim Algyax languages, including the Gitxsan, Nisga'a, and Tsimshian languages. If we can't find a word for the animal in our language, we can borrow from our neighbours.